WATCH: Guy Drives Car Into Airport Terminal, Because Russia!

What do you do for fun on a Friday night? A few drinks with friends? A meal with the other half? Maybe a quiet night in and a movie?

Well, in Russia they do things a little differently.

Check out the crazy footage below taken from CCTV in an airport in Tatarstan, Russia.

In case you’ve never heard of Tatarstan (I don’t blame you, neither had we) – it’s located just under 1,000 kilometers from the Russian capital of Moscow.

It shows a unnamed lunatic with his buddies, ramming into the airport terminal in his beat up old car.

The guy appears to drive up to a side door of the airport terminal, before reversing and ramming his car repeatedly into the doors.

With airport workers hanging off the side of his car, he keeps battering it until the doors eventually give way.

In true Grand Theft Auto style, he proceeds to drive around the terminal, dodging passengers as he goes.


As more and more people try to stop the maniac, he somehow keeps driving around the terminal, past the check-in desk and luggage scanners!

With some Ken Block style manoeuvring, he squeezes his way through tiny gaps and around the airport.

Every time he stops you think the fun is over, but with security guards hanging off the doorhandles he floors it and finds another escape route.

Then it finally comes – the final challenge. 2-inch thick glass separating him from freedom and the open road.

He takes a run up and smashes into the glass wall – it gives way, but his car is still stuck inside.

Squeeky-bum time now, will he make it?!

With one final charge, he smashes through! Back into the desolate wasteland of Tatarstan he goes, now with even more security guards following.

Check out the mental footage below:

Amazingly nobody was hurt, which means you’re totally fine to watch and share this video 😀